Abstract of the education system

LEAFGEL PREMIUM Education System is a system that operates safe and secure usage, as well as to gain the knowledge and techniques of LEAFGEL PREMIUM, which carry outs the “beauty power” as the main concepts to beauty specialist and manicurist. It consists of five courses “Entree” to ”Principle”, and first three steps “Entree”, “Arabesque”, and “Attitude” aims to learn important basics of gel nail to gain advanced techniques. Also you can learn basics of nail and soft gel, products knowledge and characteristics of LEAFGEL PREMIUM step-by-step. Instructor qualification diploma(※1) will be issued after 4th step “Premiere”, and educator qualification diploma(※2) will be issued after the last step, “Principle”.

※1 Instructor qualification: You can success as seminar assistant and demonstration in the LEAFGEL PREMIUM events!
※Educator qualification: You can hold your own school (※only who met the requirement) of education seminar I Ⅱ Ⅲ and demonstration in LEAFGEL PREMIUM events.

Education System STEP

エデュケーションシステム STEP アントレ アラベスク アチチュード プルミエール プリンシバル






Information of Education System Course

Basic water nail care
Knowledge of care needed for preparation before the gel nail
Basic knowledge and usage of gel nail

Apply after checking a schedule. 日程

Target Who holds grades of over JNEC 3
Contents ①Basic knowledge of nail ②Filings to finish up the gel nail beautiful ③Nail care to prolong the gel nail ④Basic knowledge of soft gel ⑤Basic knowledge of Leaf Gel Premium ⑥Preparation ⑦Gel clear ⑧Gel 1 color ⑨Gel remove
Time 6 and a half hours
Expense 16,500 yen Separately seminar kit 48,420 yen
Equipment A set of equipment needed for nail care・A set of equipment needed for gel nail・Writing utensils
Privileges Course completion certificate issued. Only on the day, you can buy the products at a special price (15%off)! (Except for some school)

Training and the method of teaching of a gel design


Apply after checking a schedule. 日程

Target Entrée graduates
Contents ①Introduction of Leaf Gel Premium colors ②Color gradation ③Lame gradation ④French ⑤Peacock ⑥Border lame line ⑦Gel repair
Time 6 and a half hours
Expense 16,500yen
Equipment A set of equipment needed for gel nail・Seminar kit
Privileges Course completion certificate issued. Only on the day, you can buy the products at a special price (15%off)! (Except for some school)

Application of gel design and extension


Apply after checking a schedule. 日程

Target Arabesque graduates
Contents ①Marble ②Tie dye ③Floret pattern ④Deformation French ⑤Gel chip overlay ⑥Gel sculpture
Time 7 and a half hours
Expense 16,500yen
Equipment A set of equipment needed for gel nail1・Basic kit
Privileges Course completion certificate issued. Only on the day, you can buy the products at a special price (15%off)! (Except for some school)


Review of the course I, II, and III. If you would like, you can attend your favorite courses. Eliminate the doubt and anxiety, and conquer the 04 exam and the weak point!!

Target I, II, and III graduates
Contents Review of the course I, II, and III
Time Pursuant to the course
Expense 1 course 5,500yen each
Equipment A set of equipment needed for the course・Seminar kit
Privileges Only on the day, you can buy the products at 15% off!


Apply after checking a schedule. 日程

Target Attitude certificate holder
Contents Writing utensils (from the context of the textbook) Practicle exam (from the contents of the seminar)

テキストⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲより100問 / 回答は、選択式(一部記述あり)

試験時間 50分
合格ライン 80点以上


・1カラー → 右手中指【課題色 #109】
・カラーグラデーション<br> → 右手薬指【課題色 クリアベース、#101グラデーション】
・スカルプチュア → 左手薬指
・チップオーバーレイ → 左手中指
 → 左手薬指【課題色 #110ベース、E#002フレンチ】※スカルプチュアの上

試験時間 90分
合格ライン 80点以上


Expense 16,551yen
Equipment A set of equipment needed for gel nail1・Basic kit

・Diploma issued

・Diploma holders could always purchase the commodity with the special price! →15%off at TAT

・It might be requested for a demonstration and seminar assistants in an events.

※For those that have been completed the Premier will be awarded the left of certification.



Apply after checking a schedule. 日程

Target Premier certifyicates holder (After Premier completion, application will be allowed)
Contents Practicle test of demonstration format


試験時間 1名につき20~30分



Expense 18,647 yen
Equipment A set of equipment needed for gel nail1・Basic kit

・Diploma issued

・Diploma holders will be able to purchase a commodity at a special price anytime! →20%off at TAT

・Education seminar I. II. III will be able to open in a school you own

・There might be a request to take over a job like demonstrations at events.

・There are chances to take part in developing new colors and new products!


【※necessary conditions in holding an own school】
・Have four or more tables for a treatment.
・Presentation of the school curriculum, or that you could prove a track record as a lecturer.
※For those that have been completed the Principle will be awarded the left of certification.

Contact us about the education system here